Maria Berglund has almost 20 years of experience as a choir conductor and consultant. She’s worked with choirs containing all voice combinations, repertoirs and ages, both as their musical leader and during weekend courses all around Norway.

Her initial voice technique “crash course” for choir members took place in 2012, and has developed into a system of freestanding elements from which she tailors every course for each specific choir. In short, the aim is to improve the choir performance as a whole, by training the individual singers and voice groups. Berglund’s various vocal tools give her the ability to suggest solutions for almost any challenge – through exercises, different practise techniques, and the singers’ deepening understanding of their instruments.

Experience tell us that one can expect great changes from the first session to the last – but to achieve lasting change, follow-up sessions is recommended. Many of the choirs Berglund has visited, has chosen to order a contiunation course to further implement exercises to their routine. Quite a few choir singers even choose to purchase private lessons following a technique course, and their conductors can attest to the effect it has for the choir…!

In the spring of 2016, Berglund joined the Norwegian Choir Association’s ranks of acclaimed vocal coaches, and all the near thousand choirs enrolled in the Association will be recommended a seminar in vocal technique. Under the title “Your voice as your instrument”, Berglund can design courses that cater to any choir’s needs:

vocal function and anatomy

body, alignment and support (Timani)

solving common and specific problems in different vocal groups

harmony, listening and individual adjustment to the sound

different vocal methods for different musical genres

enhancing the overall technique in front of a performance.

Hvis ditt kor skulle trenge en vitamininnsprøytning i form av sangfaglig oppdatering, repertoar-spesifikk teknikk eller rett og slett litt smittende entusiasme, er Berglund et godt valg.

Ta kontakt for booking!

Seminar over to eller flere korøvelser (2,5 timer):

kr 3 000,-

To seminardager

kr 10 000,-

Én seminardag (4-6 effektive undervisningstimer)

kr 5 000,-

Tre seminardager

kr 15 000,-

*Satser fra Norges Korforbund. Det anbefales seminar over to eller tre dager, da repetisjon for koristene er alfa og omega for å lære øvelsene, og oppnå varig framgang.

Tidligere oppdragsgivere:

Oslo Vokalensemble,  Con Spirito,  A Cantus, Kortado, Tonus, Skiptvedt sangkor, Le Voci, Bærumskoret, NHO Samsang, Oslo Jammerkor, Vokalensemblet AjVe, Oslo Damekor, Koret Oslo Ø., Damekoret Vise Versa, LillCanto, Vålerengen Vocalis, Post Canto, Norges Postkorforening, Aure Misjonskor, Kordamene Hadsel, Stokmarknes Blandetkor, Christiania Damekor, Lillestrøm Damekor og Sangkoret Gropus.

Marias varemerke er hennes unike entusiasme. Det er som om kunnskapen smitter av med gleden hun viser.- Mirjam, deltaker på korseminar
Marias fokus på «hele kroppen» for å utvikle stemmen synes jeg er veldig bra og hun gir konstruktive råd som inspirerer til å fortsette arbeidet. Hun utfordrer meg og jeg synes jeg har utviklet stemmen i den tiden jeg har tatt sangtimer.- Heide, elitekorsanger
Det er viktig å ha en lærer som bryr seg. Like viktig er det å ha en lærer som har kapasitet, tid og krefter for å hjelpe til på en best mulig måte. Maria klarer alt dette. Anbefales!- Lidia, mastergradsstudent i Musikkvitenskap, UiO